the Beach of Agia Pelagia |
Visit the Traditional Rural Village of ACHLADA |
the Beach of Lygaria |
Visit the Traditional Rural Village of FODELE |
the Beach of Mononaftis |
Visit the Traditional old Olive Oil Press Factory in ACHLADA village |
the Beach of Psaromoura |
Visit the church of Agios Ioannis in the village of ACHLADA |
the Beach of Kladissos |
Visit the old Buzantine Church of Panagia near Fodele |
the Beach of Made |
Visit the Holy Monastery of Agios Pandeleimon near FODELE |
the Beach of Fylakes |
Visit the village of Rogdia |
Visit the Monastery of Agia Pelagia (near the village of Agia Pelagia)
Посещение монастыря Агия Пелагия (недалеко от деревни Агия Пелагия) |
Visit the house and Museum of EL GRECO in FODELE
Посещение дома и музея ЭЛЬ ГРЕКО в ФОДЕЛЕ |
Places to Visit: |
Places to Visit: |
TOURS and EXCURSIONS all over the Island of Crete
Туры и экскурсии по всему острову Крит |
Visit KNOSSOS the city/palace of Minoan Civilisation
Knossos is the site of the most important and better known palace of Minoan civilization. According to tradition, it was the seat of the legendary king Minos. The Palace is also connected with thrilling legends, such as the myth of the Labyrinth with the Minotaur, and the story of Daidalos and Icaros... (source: |

Aquarium of Crete - CretAquarium
Аквариум Крита - Мир моря

Поля для гольфа на Крите Гольф-клуб на Крите
Archaeological Museum of Heraklion
Historical Museum of Crete

The Historical Museum of Crete was founded by the Society of Cretan Historical Studies in 1953, following the issue of a Ministry of Culture permit to establish a museum collection. The Museum was founded and is run by the Society of Cretan Historical Studies, with the aim of preserving and showcasing the cultural heritage of Crete from early Byzantine times to the modern era. This aim has been achieved gradually, by the collection, purchase and donation of artefacts, together with artefacts on long term loan from the Ministry of Culture.
Museum of the Battle of Crete and National Resistance
The Museum of the Battle of Crete and National Resistance (1941-1945) was founded by the Municipality of Heraklion in May 1994.
The museum's aim is to collect, preserve and exhibit relics from 1941-1945 in an appropriate manner, as well as to document and disseminate information on the people's struggle during the Battle of Crete and the German-Italian occupation.
In addition to presenting a range of material witnesses to the past, the museum aims to cultivate interest and respect for the history of Crete.
Археологический музей Ираклиона
Исторический музей Крита
Музей битвы на Крите и национального сопротивления
Natural History Museum of Crete

The Museum of Byzantine Icons and Relics of Archdiocese of Crete is located in the Venetian church of St. Catherine of Sinai, in the center of Heraklion and next to the cathedral of Saint Minas.
Situated northeast of the Cathedral of St. Minas in Heraklion Crete, this church once belonged to the Monastery of St. Catherine on Mt. Sinai.
The church was founded in the second Byzantine period, and was a centre of intellectual and artistic activity from the 15th to the 17th century.
St. Catherine's now serves as an exhibition venue owned by the Archdiocese of Crete. It houses works representative of the Cretan Renaissance, the most outstanding of which are portable icons by Michail Damaskinos.
Музей естественной истории Крита
Музей Святой Екатерины Синайской - Ираклион Крит

Rent a Boat - BOAT RENTALS (without licence - no licence needed) and discover the several bays and coves in the area of Agia Pelagia. Boat & Fishig Trips
Арендовать лодку - Аренда лодок в Агия Пелагия Крит - Прогулки на лодке |

Archeologocal Collection of Malevizi (Dimos Maleviziou - the administrative district where Agia Pelagia belolngs)
The Malevizi Archaeological Collection consists of artefacts from all the periods of the history of Crete which are exhibited in 40 display cases (The Archeological Collections is displayed in a large hall in the municipality building).
The collection as a whole paints a clear picture of ancient Cretan civilization with representative works of many forms of art covering a chronological span from 4000 BC to 300 AD.
Opening Hours: Tuesday – Sunday 8:00 – 15:00 (Monday: closed)
ADDRESS: Dimos Malevizioy, Gazi |
Animals Farms (Животные Фермы) |